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No matter how big or small a construction project becomes, it is important to always keep a close eye on monitoring the site and adhering to safety precautions. Whether it’s checking in on the status of the foundation or examining any areas of the construction site that could use a bit more improvement, commercial real estate requires keeping track of the construction site and never getting distracted by anything else. As a result of this, construction safety becomes much more important to everyone overseeing the structure of the building or the well-being of the construction workers. There are plenty of tips worth taking note of to prevent any collateral damage or human injury; here are some do’s and don’ts that you must follow for the safety of your project site:


-Wear safety gear at all times: No matter how high or low the platform is for a worker, there’ll always be potential debris or materials falling down on them. While several cartoons show gags of people getting injured in silly methods, having items fall on a worker’s head would leave them with a potential injury or even death. The minimum should be at least to wear a hard hat throughout the shift, as they protect your cranium from any debris that could fall from above. As for any other safety gear, wearing gloves and visibility vests help protect your hands and increase the ability to see when you are in a potentially hazardous area. Boots are advised due to the durability, and safety glasses are recommended to keep your eyes safe from dust or sparks.

-Always pay attention to your surroundings: There are almost always multiple things going on simultaneously within a construction site, which means that anyone stepping foot on the location should always keep their eyes peeled for any potential hazards. Examples include pits, construction equipment, beams moving around the area, and any unsafe portions of an incomplete building; you should always watch out for them wherever you walk, as doing so will prevent any serious injuries from happening. Additionally, you must never be distracted by your phone or socialize with other people, especially when using equipment that requires close supervision.

-Stay close to the foreman: The foreman’s role is to guide the workers involved with tasks throughout the site. The experience that a foreman has with construction safety puts them in a position of leadership that can’t be ignored. Foremen always make sure that their construction workers are safe in order to work efficiently. Always listen to what they say about what’s safe and what isn’t, even if a safety hazard isn’t readily apparent.

-Take a break when needed: While hard work should always be deemed as an awarding experience, it’s perfectly fine to take a break every once in a while. In fact, having a break helps workers preserve their energy before they return to do their job. Just be sure that breaks don’t take longer than they need to be.


-Wear any clothing unsuitable for a construction site: Casual clothes are not going to keep workers safe throughout the job; baggy pants or skirts are likely to get them hurt as opposed to work pants would, and running shoes’ stylish appearances will never be as effective as steel-toed boots to protect against heavy objects that are dropped.

-Wandering into unsafe areas: Just because a construction site is massive and contains numerous spaces, doesn’t mean that it’s totally safe to do so. Unsafe locations should be appropriately marked with cones and signs to prevent workers or others to obtain access to unsafe areas. This can cause significant liabilities for the contractor and other parties involved.

-Using equipment you are not experienced with: Some workers know how to handle particular pieces equipment better than others. While it may seem fairly easy to do at a glance, workers should not use any tools that haven’t been used before without supervision. Working on commercial real estate is expensive enough, and inexperienced workers can cause property damage to the site or hurt other workers.


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