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Energy efficient commercial structures are 70 percent more efficient than other comparable buildings. The commercial real estate industry is in a significant growth phase recently. As such, the need for more efficient buildings is greater demand than ever. The high cost of energy especially in states like New York and California have made energy efficiency a must for almost any construction project.

In addition, the growing demand for greener commercial real estate has risen dramatically. Just the CO2 output of electricity consumption is two and a half times greater than natural gas. Implementing simple steps like turning off lights when no one is in the room, or after hours can make a significant impact. Lowering the thermostat in the winter can do much to improve energy usage.

Temperature Controls
In the summer instead of having the temperature at 72 degrees, lower it to 68 degrees. Some building owners and store owners leave the heat and the air conditioning on at the same time. You might think that this is a no-brainer, but it happens. Use one or the other, not both. You’ll save money and help the environment.

Plan ahead out you will be using your building for. Think of ways that you can preserve the heat in the building. In the ceiling, use the highest R-factor insulation. A high R-factor of fiberglass insulation all the way around the building can help tremendously .Yes, the materials will cost more in the beginning, but in the long run, it will definitely save you money in heating and cooling costs. During the initial construction, plant trees and bushes in places where they can provide shade in the summer.

Another important aspect of energy efficiency is lighting. The use of natural light and window space can provide significant sunlight which reduces the need for increased energy usage and excessive lighting. Implementation of infrared lighting with sensors that will turn on and off as someone enters or exits a room or area is an alternative option to minimize energy usage. Replacing light bulbs with a lower wattage or LED will help reduce energy consumption. Also, using ceiling fans whenever possible helps to circulate cool air throughout the building. Another option is to incorporate tinted windows to reduce the heat factor during hot summers.

Thoughtful Locations
Building structures near existing infrastructure like public transportation or close to interstates can help reduce greenhouse gases. To minimize waste, consider building a structure that is more efficient and smaller precisely meeting the needs of your business. The reduced size will be more energy efficient than a larger structure. Depending upon the location, carefully consider window placement. For warmer climates, placement of windows that avoid the morning sun will greatly reduce the heat factor in the summer. For colder climates, windows that welcome the sun in the morning can help heat the building in the winter.

Alternative Power
The use of natural heating and cooling is always an attractive option for companies looking to become more energy efficient. Solar energy is a popular option that is typically easier to implement than other technologies. States like California, Arizona, New Mexico can make the best use of solar energy to supplement their energy efficiency while wind power is another attractive option for companies located in Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Companies should always explore alternative power sources to offset existing utilities and become more energy independent.

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